Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
Piss soaked fight in the men's room week! What happens when the fight comes to you in business

Piss soaked fight in the men's room week! What happens when the fight comes to you in business

1) Don’t pick fights. Better yet, avoid them at all costs. You never know what the other side has in them and the winner never wins without a cost. In business, too many big companies underestimate start-ups and smaller firms. Some of them have serious fight in them and won't take to bullying. 

2) Better to be a Warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. With #1 in mind, know companies will pick fights with you. Big firms will pick on you, talk down about you, and try to flex their size against you. Building your defense is no different than real life: prepare. Stress test your contracts, partnerships and culture. And know that being kind and being a killer when needed for your team are not mutually exclusive. 

3) Have an impartial system for your internal sales fights. People fight over customers, commissions, queue time et al. We suggest a third party council which can be called on anytime there is an unclear disagreement. Giving your team a fair voice goes further than you think.

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Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
The Three Things I've Learned in sports, tech and live events is the podcast for entrepreneurs in software as a service, technology, sports business and sponsorships professionals.
My name is Tony Knopp and I've been working in Saas, tech, sports and live events for just over 20 years now where I've been surrounded by super impressive people who have taught us quite a bit and invested in us as we make mistakes and iterate in tech, sports and live events.
Each week, we share what we learned either this week or from our twenty years at the Dodgers, LA Kings, AEG, StubHub's very early days and here at TicketManager where we've exited multiple businesses.
We hope you enjoy our insights and those of our guests!