Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
Three Things: 1. The most important forecast 2. Divorce and your business 3. Primordial ooze and revenge

Three Things: 1. The most important forecast 2. Divorce and your business 3. Primordial ooze and revenge

Three Things I Learned in Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events 1. When forecasting the coming year, hit the first quarter no matter what. We're all excited about the upcoming year and many of us are optimistic, it's why we're entrepreneurs! The board and investors will push for bigger growth numbers as that is their job. Stand your ground on Q1. Give elsewhere. If you miss Q1, even when you have 9 months of black behind it, that red Q1 shows up for months. Be aspirational. Commit to big growth. But make sure you're going to hit that Q1 first. 2. "50% of all marriages end in divorce, but 90% of newlyweds strongly believe that stat doesn't apply to them," from Thinking Fast & Slow. We use this quote often in business and personally. Everyone thought the Moneyball Oakland A's were crazy. Or that the "jump-shooting Golden State Warriors will never win a championship." We're told these stats in business all the time and we all believe we don't have bias, it's everyone else who does."40% chance your VP Sales won't work out" (per Jason Lemkin)? Yep. You too. "40% of companies in this fund will go to zero inside two years." Yep. You too. 3. "And he did b/c you did b/c his parents and your parents b/c America b/c England b/c ancient Rome b/c primordial ooze." Anyone who's ever lead a team or a business sees the genius in Adam Perlman's line from Billions. The way this line implores the audience to deal with the situation at hand instead of lamenting on the past while identifying just how common all our rivalries and bitterness are…just terrific. Here we are, what are we doing next? Sometimes it isn't worth explaining why some people are who they are to you or your company. A simple "they're not on team us" works fine.

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Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
The Three Things I've Learned in sports, tech and live events is the podcast for entrepreneurs in software as a service, technology, sports business and sponsorships professionals.
My name is Tony Knopp and I've been working in Saas, tech, sports and live events for just over 20 years now where I've been surrounded by super impressive people who have taught us quite a bit and invested in us as we make mistakes and iterate in tech, sports and live events.
Each week, we share what we learned either this week or from our twenty years at the Dodgers, LA Kings, AEG, StubHub's very early days and here at TicketManager where we've exited multiple businesses.
We hope you enjoy our insights and those of our guests!