Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
Three Things: A hack to manage change, the allure of chasing silver bullets, David took a rock to a sword fight

Three Things: A hack to manage change, the allure of chasing silver bullets, David took a rock to a sword fight

Three Random Things I Learned in Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events 1. Change is always resisted internally and externally. Our job, when building a new business, is change. Our team's careers, our customer's processes, our partners status quo. Those who implement change are well-rewarded. A quick tip: Set a check point and commit your word to it. 'This will be and feel like a lot of change, however at month six, we're going to celebrate our biggest concern of the moment wasn't even on the list today.' Then execute. If we can, we build loyalty with our teams, our partners and our investors. 2. Silver bullets are so enticing, but we can get lost chasing them. We often hear stories about the outlier growth stories and how they found a silver bullet. Most businesses, including the wild successes, are built by a lot of tiny wins. Projects, programs, incentives and campaigns which sometimes get overlooked b/c they don't "move the ball enough." Add up all those yards, however, and you may just end up sitting on a eight or nine figure business. 3. "David took a rock to a sword fight." I love this song lyric for so many reasons. I have a meeting every two weeks or so with someone considering starting their own business and walking away from their security blanket. A common piece of advice: When you take a rock to a sword fight, you get mocked. And that doesn't sound so bad until it impacts your family and your friends. Trust me, it's awful what people will say (and still do)…and we hear and feel all of it.

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Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
The Three Things I've Learned in sports, tech and live events is the podcast for entrepreneurs in software as a service, technology, sports business and sponsorships professionals.
My name is Tony Knopp and I've been working in Saas, tech, sports and live events for just over 20 years now where I've been surrounded by super impressive people who have taught us quite a bit and invested in us as we make mistakes and iterate in tech, sports and live events.
Each week, we share what we learned either this week or from our twenty years at the Dodgers, LA Kings, AEG, StubHub's very early days and here at TicketManager where we've exited multiple businesses.
We hope you enjoy our insights and those of our guests!