Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
Three Things: The Headcount Trap - Get you a Hype Man - Nobody is their own boss

Three Things: The Headcount Trap - Get you a Hype Man - Nobody is their own boss

Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events 1) Headcount comes last. When things start to go well, your team will have a new kind of fear - "how do we keep up?" Often, the first reaction is headcount. And that's okay. Just be careful. Headcount is the most expensive, most permanent, and often least efficient answer. 2) Get you a hype man! A good friend went through a job change at the worst possible time- during a live events pandemic shut down. Like all of us, as the time piled up, they started to doubt. We spoke a few times as they were considering jobs which, imo, were way below their talent. Got a call last week about their new gig - which is the right gig. We all need ambassadors of Quan, especially when it seems dark. 3) We're a number too! The other day a close friend/vendor stated they wished they had the certainty we have as a founder/CEO. Had to remind them, as I do the team often, everyone has superiors. Entrepreneurs, once they raise capital or rely on a bank, are easily ousted and often have many who can enact the process. Get used to the lack of certainty- it's the only certainty in life.

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Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events
Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events Podcast
The Three Things I've Learned in sports, tech and live events is the podcast for entrepreneurs in software as a service, technology, sports business and sponsorships professionals.
My name is Tony Knopp and I've been working in Saas, tech, sports and live events for just over 20 years now where I've been surrounded by super impressive people who have taught us quite a bit and invested in us as we make mistakes and iterate in tech, sports and live events.
Each week, we share what we learned either this week or from our twenty years at the Dodgers, LA Kings, AEG, StubHub's very early days and here at TicketManager where we've exited multiple businesses.
We hope you enjoy our insights and those of our guests!