Sitemap - 2020 - Three Things I Learned In Saas, Sports, Tech & Live Events

How to handle stress and decision making during chaos

How Did You Know When To Start Your Own Business?

Should I Take a Ticket Sales Job? Should I Take an SDR Job In Tech?

How To Deliver Bad News To A Team - The Infamous "Promotion, Promotion, Promotion....Cinnamon Rolls" Meeting

Why Optimists Grow Your Career While Pessimists Kill It - Find The Resilient & Stay Near Them - Always Play The Long Game

Avoid Hiring Other Company's Bad Habits - How To Hire Loyalty

How to treat competitors - One person off script can kill a deal - Some life advice from Mama Knopp about fitting in

The difference between networking & selling - What to do with tough feedback - Hard convos coming in the NBA

How and why to do due diligence - Only hire who you can work for - Pressure is a privilege

How to view SPACs in sports - How to get real information on companies selling - Why to be authentic with your team no matter what

NBA Finals Sagging Ratings - How To Approach Intellectual Property - China's Live Events Resurgence

Everyone In Business Has Imposter Syndrome - What's You & What's Your Brand - Why To Keep A Journal

How To Handle The Haters - What To Expect In Court - How Live Events Pros Should Handle The Shutdown

Why Time Is A Salesperson's Most Costly Asset - How Distraction Ruins A Company - Seek Out The No's

We All Pay the Sins Of The Past - Why Equity Is Common In Partnerships - Use Bad Incentives To Win

How To Handle Business Mortality - Wisdom Learned Through Young Heartbreak - What Your Team Is Saying About You When You're Not Around

How "Ladder Leapers" Hurt Business - How to Lose Business - Never Fear Executives, Sell to Them

Welcome To The Three Things I Learned In SaaS, Sports, Tech & Live Events